Travel Advisor / Luxury Specialist

Contact Christina


I’m Christina and I have had a life-long love of travel instilled in me from an early age. I grew up in Plano, TX and now live off of Lower Greenville in Dallas and work for myself full time, including travel planning!

As a nature photographer, I love getting off the beaten path and seeing the wonders of the world. Every time I travel, it's like a dream come true. Whether it's exploring an ancient city for the first time, photographing wild animals in their natural habitat, or just sunset on the beach with good friends and a glass of wine, there is beauty everywhere we look, if we just stop to see it.

Now I want to help create those dreams for you! I have been to all 7 continents and would love to help you to see any of them.

I have always been the go-to for my friends and family when planning trips, and now I can’t wait to create your perfect vacation and adventure that will create memories for life.

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Christina Trester